Naturalism:  An extreme form of realism, naturalism in fiction involves the depiction of life objectively and precisely, without idealizing.  However, the naturalist creates characters who are victims of environmental forces and internal drives beyond their comprehension and control.  Naturalistic fiction conveys the belief that universal forces result in an indifference to human suffering. 
"To Build a Fire" showed naturalism. The man suffered in the very cold weather. The natural force of weather he could not change. He failed to make a fire in the blistering freezing weather that he died. "Then the man drowsed off into what seemed to him the most comfortable and satisfying sleep he had ever known," was when he could not fight the cold any longer and end his suffering by giving up. 
Death is part of nature and man cannot stop it. The man could not live like the dog who didn't need clothes or fire to survive. The man tried his best to survive on nature alone. The dog didn't need the man's help the whole time, for it found its way to the camp. "Then it turned and trotted up the trail in the direction of the camp it knew, where were the other food providers and fire providers." The quote states the dog lived and was fine without the man.

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