Signing Statements are a written comment on a bill for example and is made by the President. This can give the President much more power than people may think. The President can easily say if a bill is good or bad and that can persuade legislation. Then if the President for some reason thinks it's unconstitutional, he can just veto it. That's a lot of power in the hands of one person.

Bush is a prime example. Bush tried to get rid of signing statements and tried using the "unitary executive theory". That in short, is the President having full control of executive branch. Again, that is too much power and can be very bad for the nation.

This ties in to my big question, "How can teamwork with people make jobs easier?", by simply saying that overtime things may change. The President is doing all the work, trying to have it his own way. It would be much, much easier if he had some help deciding on bills. Also overall, could lead to better decisions for the United States and the people. Teamwork makes the dream work.

Andy Schoenborn
11/12/2013 11:56:45 pm

Hi Gio,

What I like about this post is that you take time to begin to delve into the ideas surrounding your BQ.


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